Thursday, 16 January 2014

PHP eCommerce Shopping Cart Script

PHP Shopping Cart is a PHP/MySQL open-source e-commerce system. It is a fully customizable shopping cart, specially designed for web. Visitors may view the contents of their shopping cart at any time and may add or delete items as needed. The program automatically calculates the subtotal, shipping charges, and total price. When a visitor decides to checkout, the order information is collected in database a receipt is sent to the shopper. Supports unlimited number of products and categories. Orders Management allows customer to view their orders and manage them.

This application consists of 4 parts

1.Product Catalog(category,subcategory),
2.Customer Account
3. Transaction
 Working together to provide you with a system from publishing your products on your website to complete orders. Key Features Supported Online Product Catalog Multiple Product Prices Shopping Cart & Discount Coupon Check Out and Transactions Customer Accounts Tax and it's easy to manage the categories, products and shipping cost and searching for customers .

Php Admin Panel

Powerful Administrator Control Panel.
 Administrators and customers management.
Includes modules: News, Gallery, Contacts Us, Comments,
PHP Admin Panel (PHP AP) provides you access to the control features of your site as creating static or dynamical pages and allows your easily manage database tables with embedded PHP . It includes Creating, Reading, Updating and Deleting (CRUD) products in database tables on your Current site.
Project specification:
FrontEnd: Html/css/javascript.
BackEnd Database:php/mysql

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